Hoy acabo de aprender que cuando no encuentras tu iPhone, desde el Apple Watch se puede hacer que aparte de sonar se prenda el flash para ubicarlo mejor en la oscuridad. Sólo hay que abrir el Centro de Control en el reloj (deslizando el dedo de abajo hacia arriba) y…
Apple Watch
En el iHelpBR Atualmente, os exercícios disponíveis para o Apple Watch Series 2 no watchOS 4 beta são: Caminhada ao Ar Livre Corrida ao Ar Livre Bicicleta ao Ar Livre Caminhada Interna Corrida Interna Bicicleta Interna Elíptico Remar Subir Escadas Treino HIIT Nado em Piscina Nado em Águas Abertas Me…
Evan Killham para Cult of Mac A recent study that measured the brain activity of people using the Apple Watch suggests that even the most skeptical of users came to like the wearable after some hands-on time with it. Algunos pueden tildar al artículo de tendencioso por estar publicado en…
Graham Bower para Cult of Mac: The Move goals became progressively more challenging as the test went on. They nearly doubled, from 950 to 1,840 calories, and I could no longer keep up. I realized that Apple is following the Peter Principle, and that’s why I was always destined to…